Tööstusuudised.ee: The AI & Robotics Estonia hub AIRE is bringing universities closer to manufacturing

The piloting phase of AIRE was launched in October to test services for the industry – consult and advise manufacturing companies on how to apply artificial intelligence and robotics in developing their products.

“Our name is AI & Robotics Estonia, which gives us the short form AIRE”, said head of AIRE Kirke Maar recently in an interview with Äripäev radio.

She explained that the hub is an Estonian candidate to the European Digital Innovation Hubs network or EDIH in 2022. “This is a European programme that will fund 200 similar hubs across Europe. Each country chose what to focus on, and the choice in Estonia was for artificial intelligence and robotics”.

For more see: Tööstusuudised.ee, 11 October 2021. .