Kristo Karjust
kristo.karjust@taltech.eeKristo is a level 8 authorised mechanical engineer in production technology and has experience of organising and managing production, handling equipment, and monitoring and maintenance. The main areas of his research are optimising, monitoring and forecasting production and the theory and methodology behind the rapid execution of products and production processes. Kristo has worked in the private sector for more than ten years, where he runs training courses on using CAD, CAM and CAE software, and has been a production manager for outdoor swimming pools and health capsules. Since 2002 he has also worked at Tallinn University of Technology. He was a project manager at IMECC, the technology development centre, in 2011-2019, and currently has tenure as an Associate Professor at Tallinn University of Technology, where he heads the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering.