The artificial intelligence and robotics center AIRE (EDIH) is co-financed by the European Union from the "European Digital Innovation Hubs" program (project number 101083677) and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications.
The main task of the companies admitted to the Demo Project service is to create and test innovative products or services using artificial intelligence applications or to improve the processes within their companies.
The pre-accelerator offered by the AIRE center provides companies with an opportunity to gain knowledge and skills on selecting the best business model for launching new products, increasing revenue, identifying new markets, and creating marketing and sales strategies. Additionally, the accelerator supports the development of soft skills, such as team-building capabilities, and imparts management wisdom.
The main output of the AIRE Pre-Accelerator is to support the launch of a new product or service based on the technological solution tested in the demo project, including support for entering foreign markets through direct contacts and knowledge-building.
The AIRE Pre-Accelerator offers the following for each company:
- Up to 40 hours of mentorship, which includes:
Meetings twice a month with a designated key mentor
- The key mentor is a business professional matched to the company selected for the accelerator according to its focus areas and goals.
- Tehnopol mentors are carefully selected business experts whose goal is to help companies grow and expand into new markets. All mentors’ work is protected by a confidentiality agreement.
- All companies in the accelerator have the opportunity to engage experts from various fields (e.g., law, sales, finance, ESG, IP protection, marketing and communications, design, export, green technology, health technology, etc.).
- A two-day in-person training for company team members (at least 2 people), covering the following topics:
- Scalable business models and building a strong team;
- Data and its use in AI technology;
- Product development based on AI technologies;
- Designing a unique value proposition based on customer needs;
- Validation, piloting, and market entry strategies;
- Using AI in the company’s own operations;
- Intellectual property – protection and agreements;
- Investor readiness and funding opportunities.
- The exact focus of the training will be determined after the accelerator clients are confirmed based on each company’s focus. The training will take place in January/February 2025.
- The pre-accelerator also encourages communication and learning opportunities among participating companies.
Participation in the AIRE pre-accelerator, like other AIRE services, is free for companies but constitutes state aid in the form of €5,000 in de minimis support per company.
The duration of the pre-accelerator is generally 6–9 months, depending on the speed of the company’s own process implementation and goal achievement. The program will conclude by May 2025 at the latest.